Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Berbasis Praktik pada TPQ dan Madrasah Diniyah Dusun Tinampuh Kecamatan Rejoso Kabupaten Nganjuk
The effort to improve the quality of practice-based learning at TPQ and Madrasah Diniyah Dusun Tinampuh. The approach used is Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), where the implementing team and service partners use existing assets and then develop and utilize them. Empowering the heads of TPQ and Madrasah Diniyah in, as well as santri and the teachers can realize improvements in the quality of practice-based learning in TPQ and Madrasah Diniyah in educational institutions. This program can provide consolidation and seriousness in implementing the material that has been obtained in the teaching and learning process at the TPQ and Madrasah Diniyah institutions. Consolidation of worship material is then practiced using practicum-based learning strategies. The success of the worship practicum resulted in high enthusiasm and motivation among participants during the program and had an impact on routine scheduling every week. This cannot be separated from the encouragement of related parties, namely the head of TPQ and Madrasah Diniyah Dusun Tinampuh.