Meningkatkan Pemahaman Islamic Parenting Education Dalam Membentuk Generasi Berkarakter Pada Ibu-Ibu Muslimat Di Desa Jatirejo Kecamatan Rejoso Kabupaten Nganjuk


  • Sri Wahyunik Prodi MPI STAI Darussalam Nganjuk
  • Ahmad Mustakim Prodi AS STAIDA Nganjuk
  • Asichul In'am Prodi MPI STAI Darussalam Nganjuk


                Parents face challenges in educating generation Z, who have great potential to innovate and be creative. One of the problems that arises is when children are too quickly influenced by technology without proper guidance from parents. Parents often give gadgets without teaching them how to use them and do not monitor their children's activities. Apart from that, busy parents can also influence children's behavior, making children receive less attention and supervision. To overcome this problem, Islamic Parenting Education offers a solution by educating children Islamically, starting with parents' awareness of being good role models at home. The aim of this program is to provide knowledge, understanding and experience to the seasonal mothers of Jatirejo Village regarding Islamic Parenting Education in the family environment.  This is so that parents are more active in providing Islamic education in educating children to produce a generation of quality and character. The method used in this program activity is Service Learning, where the Research Team provides guidance to actors in the community to be able to carry out knowledge sharing. Apart from that, the Service Learning method is also used as an effective and creative learning model. Meanwhile, the approach used in this activity program is to use an Asset-based Empowerment or Resources approach (Asset-based-Community Development, ABCD). Results: The results of the Islamic Parenting Education program for Muslim mothers in Jatirejo Village, found several significant positive impacts. Among them, the community also seems very moved to be good parents and in accordance with Islamic education. They also admit that they have very little time together with their families because they are busy at work. However, they also realize that gadgets and socializing without parental supervision can be dangerous. This motivates parents to make changes in the way they raise their sons and daughters so that they can become pious and religious children. by spending more time with family and giving more attention and affection to their children. By providing material from KPM STAIDA members, the Muslim mothers of Jatirejo Village felt helped and got solutions to what they had been complaining about in their children's education patterns.





