Perilaku Pengambilan Keputusan Siswa dalam Memilih Sekolah Tinggi atau Universitas


  • M. Shohibul Aziz STAI Darusslam Nganjuk
  • Niken Ristianah STAI Darussalam Nganjuk


student decision university, higher education institution, literature review


The selection of a university or higher education institution is an important decision for prospective students influenced by various factors. This literature review investigates the factors influencing the decision-making process of students in choosing a university or higher education institution. By analyzing a number of relevant studies, this study examines various variables that play a role in student decisions, including academic, social, economic, and environmental factors. Findings from previous research provide deep insights into how factors such as university reputation, quality of education, tuition fees, campus location, and academic facilities influence student preferences and decisions. The implications of the findings of this literature review are discussed in the context of developing marketing strategies and policy management to enhance the attractiveness and reputation of higher education institutions. In conclusion, this research highlights the importance of understanding the factors influencing student decisions in choosing a university or higher education institution as a key step in improving student recruitment and enhancing the reputation of higher education institutions.


