Peran Pendidikan Pesantren Dalam Mempersiapkan Generasi Indonesia Emas 2045


  • M. Yusuf STAI Darussalam Nganjuk
  • Toha Ma'sum STAI Darussalam Nganjuk


Pesantren education, Indonesia Emas 2045 generation, Character, Knowledge.


Pesantren education plays a crucial role in preparing the competent and morally upright generation of Indonesia Emas 2045. This article elucidates the background and general issues concerning the importance of the role of pesantren education in facing future development challenges. The aim of this study is to analyze the contribution of pesantren education in preparing a generation ready to face Indonesia Emas 2045. A literature review approach is employed as the research method to explore literature related to the role of pesantren education and the development of an excellent generation. The findings of the discussion demonstrate that pesantren education plays a vital role in shaping the character, knowledge, and skills of the younger generation. Pesantren provides a strong educational foundation by integrating religious education, academic learning, and practical skills. Additionally, pesantren also cultivates social awareness, moral responsibility, and love for the homeland. In preparation for Indonesia Emas 2045, pesantren education needs to be continuously strengthened through curriculum quality enhancement, human resource development, and active engagement in educational innovation.





