Pendampingan dan Peningkatan Kualitas Guru al-Qur'an pada Madrasah Diniyah dan TPQ se-Banjarejo Desa Banjarejo Kecamatan Rejoso Kabupaten Nganjuk melalui Pelatihan Metode Tilawati
Mentoring, Quality of Al-Qur'an Teachers, Madrasah Diniyah and TPQ, Tilawati Method.Abstract
Al-Qur'an education is a fundamental aspect in character formation and instilling Islamic values from an early age. Madrasah Diniyah and TPQ (Al-Qur'an Education Park) in Banjarejo are one of them. He plays a central role in educating the younger generation so that they are able to read, understand and practice the teachings of the Koran correctly and in depth. However, in Banjarejo there are still a number of challenges in the quality of teaching the Koran, especially regarding the skills of teachers in teaching reading methods that are effective and in accordance with Tajwid rules, instead of reading with Nagham. On the other hand, STAI Darussalam in its efforts to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education has the opportunity to improve the qualifications of teachers/Ustadz in the area through the PKM Program. The method that will be used in this Service Program is to use the ABCD (Asset Bassic Community Development) approach including a Participatory Approach, Training and Workshops as well as Mentoring and Supervision. The results of this service are based on the results of evaluation and monitoring during the program, almost 70% of al-Qur'an teachers in TPQ throughout Banjarejo and Madrasah Diniyah Banjarejo Village showed a significant increase in teaching ability using the Tilawati Method including: Mastery of Tilawati Material, para teachers are able to understand and apply the steps of teaching Tilawati more effectively, Increased Teaching Practice Ability, increased Teacher Competence in Tajwid and Qira'at, Teacher Enthusiasm and Commitment, Changes in student learning.