Menuju Hubungan yang Harmonis: Pendampingan Anggota IPNU dan IPPNU Desa Mlorah dalam Memilih Pasangan Hidup


  • Ita Zumrotus Su’ada STAI Darussalam
  • Toha Ma'sum STAI Darussalam
  • Mohammad Mustafid Hamdi STAI Darussalam
  • Muhammad Yusuf STAI Darussalam


choosing a life partner, divorce


Marriage is one aspect of the sunnah that perfects half of religion. Various studies have shown several ways to create a harmonious family and prevent divorce, one of which is by choosing a life partner. Based on the results of interviews, observations and documentation studies, it shows that the average IPNU IPPNU members of Mlorah Village have entered the age of marriage. However, regarding the understanding of choosing a life partner in accordance with Islamic teachings, IPNU IPPNU members have not yet mastered it and the rampant divorce among young couples today is caused by the lack of compatibility in choosing a life partner, so the team wants to provide assistance in the form of Socialization with the theme "Socialization of Choosing a Life Partner Based on Islamic Teachings". This program uses an Asset-based Empowerment approach or Resources (Asset-based-Community-Development, ABCD). The results and discussion of this assistance are after the program in the form of Socialization activities with the theme "Socialization of Choosing a Life Partner Based on Islamic Teachings": Assisted partners (IPNU IPPNU Mlorah Village) can understand and increase their knowledge about the concept of choosing a life partner as provisions for the future and also as an effort to prevent divorce.





