Pembinaan Perempuan Bekerja dalam Mebantu Mewujudkan Keluarga Sakinah melalui Peningkatan Literasi Keluarga di Desa Mlorah Rejoso Nganjuk
Development, Working Women, Sakinah Family, Family LiteracyAbstract
Working women have a very important role in building family resilience and prosperity, including in creating a harmonious, prosperous and religious sakinah family. In Mlorah Village, Rejoso, Nganjuk, working women face double challenges in dividing the roles of breadwinner and household manager. Therefore, coaching efforts are needed to increase family literacy, which includes aspects of financial literacy, education, communication and strengthening religious values. This community service program aims to provide guidance to working women so they can increase family literacy and build positive synergy within the household.
This coaching activity is designed with an educational and participatory approach, involving training, discussion and practical guidance. Through this development, women are expected to be able to manage family finances effectively, educate children with a holistic approach, and build healthy communication within the family. The results of this program are expected to increase women's capacity in carrying out their dual roles and encourage the creation of sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah families. Thus, working women can be an important pillar in creating social change in society and strengthening family welfare at the village level.